Avatar the last airbender book 2 chapter 7
Avatar the last airbender book 2 chapter 7

avatar the last airbender book 2 chapter 7 avatar the last airbender book 2 chapter 7

He’s showing interest in the other elements.” “Aang that means he was looking at water bending moves. Katara took the scroll and opened it.Īang looked over Katara’s shoulder. The kids looked to the man with the reptile bird then down to the scroll that he held. “The boy was looking at this water bending scroll.” “Oh quite a few things, mostly game pieces and a few other odds and ends.” The long-haired man plastered on an obviously fake smile. “Excuse me, those two Fire Nation men that just left. Katara and Sokka sighed and ran after her. Katara and Sokka turned to where she was pointing.Īang started running down the peer toward the boat Iroh and Zuko had just left. Aang sheepishly corrected Sokka on having only two copper pieces after showing him a bison whistle, she’d bought. He closed his mouth and went quiet.Īang, Katara, and Sokka walked around the market discussing what they needed to get with the three copper pieces they had. Aang, Katara, and Sokka were shopping at a nearby vender just down the peer. Iroh opened his mouth to object before something caught his eye. He then dragged Iroh, who was now looking at something that was definitely not a game piece, off the boat. He rolled up the scroll again and placed it back on the shelf. “Though I have to wonder, what use would a fire bender have for a water bending scroll?” Taking one glance at him practically screamed he was a pirate and captain of the boat. Zuko looked up to see a man, with a green and red reptile bird perched on his shoulder, come in from the back of the ship.

avatar the last airbender book 2 chapter 7

Inside was several water bending moves all marked in great detail. He pulled it off the shelf and unrolled it.

#Avatar the last airbender book 2 chapter 7 full

His eyes fell on a small shelf full of scrolls, with one having an intricate water tribe carving on the end. As the man showed Iroh several different game pieces from several different games Zuko looked around. Inside was a wide assortment of different things that appeared to have come from all over the world. Zuko sighed and followed his uncle onto the man’s ship. Iroh smiled and started following the man, but Zuko placed a hand on his shoulder. “Why yes, do you have some by any chance?” “Did I hear you were looking for Pai Sho tiles?” Just then a long-haired man, with a golden hoop in his ear, came up to them. You’d think at least one would have some.” “It’s odd, none of these places have any Pai Sho tiles. It was clear that Zuko’s patience was wearing thin. They wandered around and while Iroh seemed happy to buy several things there appeared to be no lotus tiles.

avatar the last airbender book 2 chapter 7

Later their ship docked at a small peer lined with merchant shops. “I’m lucky to have such an understanding nephew.” “Fine, I suppose we have nothing better to do.” Zuko’s face scrunched in anger but he didn’t object. Besides we’ve all been cooped up on this ship far too long. “I apologize for the sudden shift but there is a market not far from here that may have what I need. “You nearly knocked me overboard for a stupid lotus tile?” Most people think the lotus tile insignificant, but it is essential for the unusual strategy that I employ.” Zuko turned to a small table where Iroh was playing Pai Sho with some of the older members of the crew. “Why are we changing course so suddenly? Is something wrong?” He dismissed the other fire bender and went up to the captain’s deck. He was so focused on what he was doing that he didn’t notice when the ship started changing course and was knocked into the railing from the change in momentum. He clenched his teeth all focus on making sure the only element he used was fire as he exchanged attacks with his opponent. Zuko had recovered from his brief time in the Avatar state and was now on the deck training with another fire bender, after much prompting from his uncle of course.

Avatar the last airbender book 2 chapter 7